Hi everyone, in some case we can not see the Reporting Service feature after setup and configure well SharePoint 2010 look like

Please do some steps here if we like to use Reporting Service with our SharePoint 2010 Farm

1. Down load Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint® Technologies 2010 from


2. Double click on rsSharePoint to run it

3. Click Next to setup SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service Add-in for SharePoint 2010

4. Choose Repair then click Next

5. Click Install

6. A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file .... RepFEBD.temp.msi

7. Setup interrupted

8. Run setup again but now we remove the Add-in

9. The removing Reporting Service Add-in well


Whenever we need a SharePoint 2010 farm but do not connect to a Domain, with only 1 Core i7 laptop is a example, please do the step by step here to make a SharePoint 2010 real Farm with only a laptop or desktop.

I am using a core i7 laptop (8GB RAM), with out domain to make a SharePoint 2010 Server Enterprise Farm.

(Social Media by Office 365 and Digimind http://digimindo365-public.sharepoint.com/ )

The key of issue by using New-SPConfigurationDatabase by Power Shell command line


PLease do steps here if we want to configure Secure Store Service for SharePoint Server 2010

(Social Media by Office 365 and Digimind http://digimindo365-public.sharepoint.com/ )

1. Browse to SharePoint 2010 Central Administration

2. Click on "Manage Service Applications"

3.  Click Secure Store Service

4. Click on Generate New Key

5.  Type Pass Phrase then click OK

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21 years experience in Mobile App (iOS and Android), Business Web Application. I have been developing with 26 business web application and Mobile App projects. Call me whenever you need a Mobile App (iOS and Android), Portal Solution by Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or by SharePoint On-Premise 2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 or an Integration SharePoint Solution with Dynamics AX, Dynamics 365, Power Bi, Digimind Social Medial Analytic Monitoring, EJabberd XMPP server Chat System, Forefront UAG, PDCA, Budget Request, LPG Bulk Transport Operations Application Solution, Project Server, Reporting Service, CRM Call Center, Dynamics CRM, Customer Interaction Center. Viet Nam: +84854147015 Malaysia: +601151992689 (also with WhatsApp) Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abc365/ Email: ThomasTrungVo@Hotmail.com, SharePointTaskMaster@Gmail.com Skype: ThomasTrungVo@Hotmail.com
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