What is SAP Business One 8.8 PL 10 look like and how to setup and let it runs?

(Social Media by Office 365 and Digimind http://digimindo365-public.sharepoint.com/ )

Main left Menu of SAP Business One 8.8 PL 10

Chart of Accounts

General Ledger report

There are 3 main setup to let SAP Business One 8.8 PL 10 run well:

1. Setup SAP Business One Server Tool first

2. Setup SAP Business One Server

3. Setup SAP Business One Client

Download SAP Business One 8.8 PL 10 from http://www.filecrop.com/sap-business-one-8.8.html

1. Setup SAP Business One Server Tool first

1.1. Browse to Server Tools then click on Setup.exe

1.2.  Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for SAP Business One Server Tools

1.3. Fill in Customer Information

1.4. Choose Custom then click Next


What is CRM5 online look like:

1. Dashboards

2. Leads by Source Campaign and Cases By Priority (Perday)

3. My Activities

4. What's new

5. Task detail

6. Phone call detail

7. List of reports

8.  My Active Contacts

9. Contact detail

10. My Open Leads

11. My open lead detail

12. Opportunities

13. Opportunity Detail

14. My Active Cases

15. Active case detail

16. Queues

17. Articles

18. Sales - Goal Metrics

19. Service Calendar

20. Compaigns

21. Compaign detail


What is a project management that can be use as an Webpart with SharePoint 2007/2010/2013? PLease see some screen captures below:

(Social Media by Office 365 and Digimind http://digimindo365-public.sharepoint.com/ )

1. The overview of SharePoint TaskMaster after add some task and make them relation ship.

2. After setup look like then  click on New Item

3. New Item

4. Context menu with Edit Item

5. Click Add Row to column settings


The comparison be made by Eduardo L. Garcia with the posted photo

How an intranet application solution for PDCA, Plan -> Do -> Check -> Act solution and its intranet application look like?

(Only 10$/h or 10% market price I provide Full Business Software Solution: Mobile App and Web App)

1. PDCA operation concept

2. PDCA data flow

3. PDCA functions flow

4.  Application screens

4.1. Click on PDCA from top menu of Links

4.2.  List of PDCA


How a simple budget request solution and application look like.

1. Budget Request Operation Concept

2. Two approval steps workflow

3. Three approval steps workflow

4. Goto Budget Request from top menu

5. Budget request items by logon user account

6. After click on New Budget Request, requester can create a new request with a budget request template

7. Approve or Reject functions for Administration budget owners

8. Budget request for Clinical Department

9. Send for Approval email


I want to share the technical solution of Human Capital Management (base on SharePoint).

(Social Media by Office 365 and Digimind http://digimindo365-public.sharepoint.com/ )

1. High level features (Concept)

2.  Main process information

3. More detail of sub processes

3.1. Job management mode information

3.2. Client (Employer) management mode information

3.3. Document management with Human Capital

3.4. Financial integration

3.5.  Human Capital with Facebook and Linkedin

About Me
About Me
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21 years experience in Mobile App (iOS and Android), Business Web Application. I have been developing with 26 business web application and Mobile App projects. Call me whenever you need a Mobile App (iOS and Android), Portal Solution by Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or by SharePoint On-Premise 2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 or an Integration SharePoint Solution with Dynamics AX, Dynamics 365, Power Bi, Digimind Social Medial Analytic Monitoring, EJabberd XMPP server Chat System, Forefront UAG, PDCA, Budget Request, LPG Bulk Transport Operations Application Solution, Project Server, Reporting Service, CRM Call Center, Dynamics CRM, Customer Interaction Center. Viet Nam: +84854147015 Malaysia: +601151992689 (also with WhatsApp) Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abc365/ Email: ThomasTrungVo@Hotmail.com, SharePointTaskMaster@Gmail.com Skype: ThomasTrungVo@Hotmail.com
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