N2 CMS, step by step to setup and configure
N2 Open Source ASP.NET CMS: http://n2cms.com/
Home page of N2 CMS look like
Pages structure look like
Users look like
Files look like
Site look like
Template look like
Import function
Export feature
Translations Overview feature
Inbound and Outbound links
Settings feature
New item before or below a node position (level)
Site map
Change password for test account
Edit a page
Some options for save of an editing page
How can to download, setup and configure N2 CMS? please do the 19 steps below:
1. Browse to http://n2cms.codeplex.com/releases/view/105798 to download N2 Development source
2. After runthe development file then we can open solution of N2.Development with Visual 2012
3. N2 Development solution structure look like
4. N2 structure look like
Home page of N2 CMS look like
Pages structure look like
Users look like
Files look like
Site look like
Template look like
Import function
Export feature
Translations Overview feature
Inbound and Outbound links
Settings feature
New item before or below a node position (level)
Site map
Change password for test account
Edit a page
Some options for save of an editing page
How can to download, setup and configure N2 CMS? please do the 19 steps below:
1. Browse to http://n2cms.codeplex.com/releases/view/105798 to download N2 Development source
2. After runthe development file then we can open solution of N2.Development with Visual 2012
3. N2 Development solution structure look like
4. N2 structure look like