Dynamics AX 2012 Release Version 6.0.947.0, Step by step to setup and configure system
What is the Enterprise Portal of Dynamics AX 2012 release version 6.0.947.0 look like:
(Only 10$/h or 10% market price I provide Full Business Software Solution: Mobile App and Web App)
1. Role center
2. All activities
3. Workflow delegation
4. Sign up
5. Alert rules
6. Workflow history
7. All purchase orders
8. Released products
9. All purchase requisitions
10. Purchase requisition prepared by me
11. Purchase requisition requested by me
12. Purchase requisitions for all my reports
13. Purchase requisitions for my direct reports
14. Purchase requisitons assigned to me
15. Purchase order confirmations
16. Product receipts for vendor invoices
17. Unconfirmed product receipts
18. All vendors
19. All customers
20. All prospects
21. My prospects
22. All leads
(Only 10$/h or 10% market price I provide Full Business Software Solution: Mobile App and Web App)
1. Role center
2. All activities
3. Workflow delegation
4. Sign up
5. Alert rules
6. Workflow history
7. All purchase orders
8. Released products
9. All purchase requisitions
10. Purchase requisition prepared by me
11. Purchase requisition requested by me
12. Purchase requisitions for all my reports
13. Purchase requisitions for my direct reports
14. Purchase requisitons assigned to me
15. Purchase order confirmations
16. Product receipts for vendor invoices
17. Unconfirmed product receipts
18. All vendors
19. All customers
20. All prospects
21. My prospects
22. All leads