Particularly in high-dimensional spaces, data can more easily be separated linearly and the simplicity of classifiers such as naive Bayes and linear SVMs might lead to better generalization than is achieved by other classifiers.

The plots show training points in solid colors and testing points semi-transparent. The lower right shows the classification accuracy on the test set.

Calibration and evaluates the quality of the returned probabilities using Brier’s score with 3 million samples - Data

Calibration and evaluates the quality of the returned probabilities using Brier score with 3 million samples - Gaussian naive Bayes probabilities 

Calibration and evaluates the quality of the returned probabilities using Brier score with 3 million samples - Code

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Change of predicted probabilities on 10000 test samples after sigmoid calibration

Change of predicted probabilities on 1000 test samples after sigmoid calibration

In the figure above, each vertex of the simplex represents a perfectly predicted class (e.g., 1, 0, 0). The mid point inside the simplex represents predicting the three classes with equal probability (i.e., 1/3, 1/3, 1/3). Each arrow starts at the uncalibrated probabilities and end with the arrow head at the calibrated probability.

Improvements to the histogram-based Gradient Boosting estimators


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Probability Calibration curves


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1. Agglomerative clustering with and without structure - number cluster is 30 and connectivity is false

2. Agglomerative clustering with and without structure - number of cluster is 30 and connectivity is true

3. Agglomerative clustering with and without structure - number of cluster is 3 and connectivity is false

4. Agglomerative clustering with and without structure - number of cluster is 3 and connectivity is true


Measure of diabetes disease progression one year after baseline

The code

Diabetes Data

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Plotting the decision function of classifiers

Where is the data: UCI ML Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)

The code

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The code

Auto play look like

SSS search algorithm

Connect Four game defination 

Mobile App + Web App + OpenAI + Machine Learning = Web App cost only?

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Mobile App + Web App + OpenAI + Machine Learning = Web App cost only?

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21 years experience in Mobile App (iOS and Android), Business Web Application. I have been developing with 26 business web application and Mobile App projects. Call me whenever you need a Mobile App (iOS and Android), Portal Solution by Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or by SharePoint On-Premise 2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 or an Integration SharePoint Solution with Dynamics AX, Dynamics 365, Power Bi, Digimind Social Medial Analytic Monitoring, EJabberd XMPP server Chat System, Forefront UAG, PDCA, Budget Request, LPG Bulk Transport Operations Application Solution, Project Server, Reporting Service, CRM Call Center, Dynamics CRM, Customer Interaction Center. Viet Nam: +84854147015 Malaysia: +601151992689 (also with WhatsApp) Linkedin: Email:, Skype:
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