AI - Predict S&P 500 after Clustering - Data until August 29, 2024, include AMAT, AMD, KLAC, LRCX, MPWR, MU, QCOM, STX, TER, TSLA, WDC, ALLE, AME, AOS, CTAS, EMR, FAST, FTV, GPC, GRMN, HON, IEX, J, JCI, ROK, ROP, SNA, WAB, XYL
Stock price values can be predicted from past price data?
Yes, Principal component analysis (PCA) identifies a small number of principle components that explain most of the variation in stock dataset. This method is often used for dimensionality reduction and analysis of the data.
PCA does reduce from 7 dimensional space of the SP 500 stocks ( 'Date', 'Adj Close', 'Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Volume' ), into 2 dimensional space ( 'principal component 1', 'principal component 2' ).
Yes, Principal component analysis (PCA) identifies a small number of principle components that explain most of the variation in stock dataset. This method is often used for dimensionality reduction and analysis of the data.
PCA does reduce from 7 dimensional space of the SP 500 stocks ( 'Date', 'Adj Close', 'Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Volume' ), into 2 dimensional space ( 'principal component 1', 'principal component 2' ).