Computer vision is used in Optical inspection systems, also known as automated optical inspection (AOI) systems, use cameras and image processing to identify defects in manufactured products. They are used in many industries to improve product quality, increase productivity, and reduce the need for rework.

Nodes send data over topics using messages. Publishers and subscribers must send and receive the same type of message to communicate.

Topics don’t have to only be one-to-one communication; they can be one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many.


Topics are one of the main ways in which data is moved between nodes and therefore between different parts of the system.

ROS 2 breaks complex systems down into many modular nodes. Topics are a vital element of the ROS graph that act as a bus for nodes to exchange messages.

The dataset of the NVDA stock

Computer Vision + Robot Operating System (ROS) + Natural Language Processing service + Generative AI Chatbot +  Machine Learning + Mobile App + Web App? Yes, I do provide!

Call me: +84854147015

WhatsApp: +601151992689

Email: ThomasTrungVo@Gmail.Com

View data being published on a topic by command [ros2 topic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel]

The node _ros2cli_1880 be created by command [ros2 topic echo (turtle(cmd_vel]

Computer Vision + Robot Operating System (ROS) + Natural Language Processing service + Generative AI Chatbot +  Machine Learning + Mobile App + Web App? Yes, I do provide!

Call me: +84854147015

WhatsApp: +601151992689

Email: ThomasTrungVo@Gmail.Com

Each node in ROS should be responsible for a single, modular purpose, e.g. controlling the wheel motors or publishing the sensor data from a laser range-finder. Each node can send and receive data from other nodes via topics, services, actions, or parameters.

A full robotic system is comprised of many nodes working in concert. In ROS 2, a single executable (C++ program, Python program, etc.) can contain one or more nodes.

We take a look how to customize pen color and pen width of each turtle that generated by spawn service by rqt tool on ROS2.

Turtlesim is a lightweight simulator for learning ROS 2. It illustrates what ROS 2 does at the most basic level to give you an idea of what you will do with a real robot or a robot simulation later on.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools for building robot applications. From drivers and state-of-the-art algorithms to powerful developer tools, ROS has the open source tools you need for your next robotics project.

We use command [python -m pip install -U catkin_pkg cryptography empy importlib-metadata jsonschema lark==1.1.1 lxml matplotlib netifaces numpy opencv-python PyQt5 pillow psutil pycairo pydot pyparsing==2.4.7 pytest pyyaml rosdistro]

To install

PyQt5-Qt5, netifaces, lark, zipp, tomli, six, rpds-py, pyyaml, PyQt5-sip, pyparsing, pycparser, pycairo, psutil, pluggy, pkgutil-resolve-name, pillow, packaging, numpy, lxml, kiwisolver, iniconfig, fonttools, exceptiongroup, empy, docutils, distro, cycl
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21 years experience in Mobile App (iOS and Android), Business Web Application. I have been developing with 26 business web application and Mobile App projects. Call me whenever you need a Mobile App (iOS and Android), Portal Solution by Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or by SharePoint On-Premise 2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 or an Integration SharePoint Solution with Dynamics AX, Dynamics 365, Power Bi, Digimind Social Medial Analytic Monitoring, EJabberd XMPP server Chat System, Forefront UAG, PDCA, Budget Request, LPG Bulk Transport Operations Application Solution, Project Server, Reporting Service, CRM Call Center, Dynamics CRM, Customer Interaction Center. Viet Nam: +84854147015 Malaysia: +601151992689 (also with WhatsApp) Linkedin: Email:, Skype:
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