ROS 2 Jazzy introduced the new Gazebo modern simulator, replacing Gazebo Classic.

ROS 2, Jazzy distro, introduced the new Gazebo modern simulator, replacing Gazebo Classic.


Example of ros2 run command that use to run/launch talker and listener (executable name) from demo_nodes_cpp (package_name)

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Source code

Node Graph incase running demo_nodes_cpp for listener and talker executable names

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Communication with discovery servers can be split to create virtual partitions in the discovery information. This means that two endpoints will only know about each other if there is a shared discovery server or a network of discovery servers between them. We are going to execute an example with two independent servers. The following figure shows the architecture.

The Fast DDS Discovery Server allows creating a server with backup functionality. This allows the server to restore the last state it saved in case of a shutdown.

By using fastdds tool, multiple discovery servers can be created. Discovery clients (ROS nodes) can connect to as many servers as desired. This allows to have a redundant network that will work even if some servers or nodes shut down unexpectedly. The figure below shows a simple architecture that provides server redundancy.

Talker and Listener do communicate OK with remap node is fastdds discovery server


Computer Vision + Robot Operating System (ROS 2) + Natural Language Processing service + Generative AI Chatbot +  Machine Learning + Mobile App + Web App? Yes, I do provide!

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ros2 is OK look like

fastdds is OK look like

Computer Vision + Robot Operating System (ROS 2) + Natural Language Processing service + Generative AI Chatbot +  Machine Learning + Mobile App + Web App? Yes, I do provide!

Call me: +84854147015

WhatsApp: +601151992689

Email: ThomasTrungVo@Gmail.Com


Clip: Install ROS 2 ok on Ubuntu 24.04.1 on VirtualBox - also run well fastdds and rqt

Test with turtlesim simulator

Node Graph is OK on Ubuntu 24.04.1 on VirtualBox

Computer Vision + Robot Operating System (ROS 2) + Natural Language Processing service + Generative AI Chatbot +  Machine Learning + Mobile App + Web App? Yes, I do provide!

Call me: +84854147015

WhatsApp: +601151992689

Email: ThomasTrungVo@Gmail.Com
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