N2 Open Source ASP.NET CMS: http://n2cms.com/
Home page of N2 CMS look likePages structure look like
Users look like
Files look like
Site look like
Template look like
Import function
Export feature
Translations Overview feature
Inbound and Outbound links
Settings feature
New item before or below a node position (level)
Site map
Change password for test account
Edit a page
Some options for save of an editing page
How can to download, setup and configure N2 CMS? please do the 19 steps below:
1. Browse to http://n2cms.codeplex.com/releases/view/105798 to download N2 Development source
2. After runthe development file then we can open solution of N2.Development with Visual 2012
3. N2 Development solution structure look like
4. N2 structure look like
5. Set the password for admin account at the first run
6. Click to continue install database cor N2 CMS
7. Log in to N2 CMS with admin account
8. The full script to create table for N2 CMS
PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF
drop table if exists n2Item
drop table if exists n2Detail
drop table if exists n2DetailCollection
drop table if exists n2AllowedRole
drop table if exists n2Version
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON
create table n2Item (
ID integer primary key autoincrement,
Type TEXT not null,
ParentID INT,
Title TEXT,
Name TEXT,
ZoneName TEXT,
TemplateKey TEXT,
TranslationKey INT,
Published DATETIME,
SortOrder INT,
Visible BOOL,
VersionOfID INT,
SavedBy TEXT,
AncestralTrail TEXT,
VersionIndex INT,
State INT,
ChildState INT,
AlteredPermissions INT,
Image TEXT,
Summary TEXT,
constraint FK18406FA018DD5AFD foreign key (ParentID) references n2Item
create table n2Detail (
ID integer primary key autoincrement,
Name TEXT,
Meta TEXT,
Type TEXT,
StringValue TEXT,
LinkValue INT,
DoubleValue DOUBLE,
DateTimeValue DATETIME,
BoolValue BOOL,
IntValue INT,
Value BLOB,
ItemID INT not null,
DetailCollectionID INT,
constraint FK1D14F83B6AB29607 foreign key (ItemID) references n2Item,
constraint FK1D14F83B4F9855AA foreign key (DetailCollectionID) references n2DetailCollection
create table n2DetailCollection (
ID integer primary key autoincrement,
Name TEXT not null,
constraint FKBE85C49A6AB29607 foreign key (ItemID) references n2Item
create table n2AllowedRole (
ID integer primary key autoincrement,
ItemID INT not null,
Role TEXT not null,
constraint FKB30F0676AB29607 foreign key (ItemID) references n2Item
create table n2Version (
ID integer primary key autoincrement,
VersionIndex INT,
Title TEXT,
MasterID INT,
State INT,
Published DATETIME,
FuturePublish DATETIME,
SavedBy TEXT,
VersionDataXml TEXT,
ItemCount INT
9. Click on [Create tables] to create list of tables for N2 CMS as sql script above
10. Agree to create new tables for N2 CMS11. Click on step2 to create content of N2 CMS
12. Click on [Please import this]
12. Or can choose Advanced options
13. Choose a package file
14. Choose a package
15. Upload and add the selected package
16. Manual insert nodes
17. Can see exception when upload from a package like that
18. Click on step3 to continue
19. Almost done and click on management UI to see what N2 CMS look like
20. N2 CMS content look like
21. Pages of N2 CMS look like
22. All the stuff you knew detail look like
23. Dinamico tab detail look like
24. Razor view engine tab detail
25. Teamplate first tab detail look like
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